Who Is Respond?What We Do? |
Life Is Respond LLC. Primary purpose is to provide a range of services to provide a positive influence on lives around the world.
Life Is Respond LLC. offers a variety of community and lifestyle services and events.
Services and Events includes:
About Curtis JerrellsLife is Respond was founded in 2013, by Curtis Jerrells of Austin, Texas. A Baylor University graduate and Baylor Basketball HOF’er. Curtis is also a former NBA player who is currently playing professional basketball in Europe. In 2012 Curtis went through a difficult stage in his life dealing with adversity and negativity. He decided to respond positively to his situations which resulted in him overcoming barriers and being successful; ultimately, leading to the birth of Life is Respond.
Curtis constantly refers to his message and intends to share it with others for their own inspiration and motivation. He not only refers to it in negative times but also uses it to keep him grounded throughout his many success’. This diversified message has been designed to influence individuals from all walks of life; helping them to respond, as it plays a huge role in one’s perseverance. Always allow yourself to #Respond. “It is essential that we acknowledge and embrace every precedent though the journey of life and simply, #Respond.” – Curtis Jerrells "Life is not about what happens to you, life is how you #RESPOND to what happens to you." – Curtis Jerrells |